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It leaks a little light from the top, but feels soft and nice.
Den lekker litt lys fra topp, men føles myk og god.
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The nose pads and the frame is quite good. My only issue, the soft pads do not stick on the plastic frame, making them a hussle to wear.
The nose pads and the frame is quite good. My only issue, the soft pads do not stick on the plastic frame, making them a hussle to wear.
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Paul A. R.
When I placed the order, it appeared once, then the seller sent the order late, another delivery date appeared, then I caught the holidays, another date appeared. I received it after 5 days if the holidays are not included. The product is relatively ok, but without instructions.
Cand am pus comanda a aparut o dată, apoi seller-ul a trimis comanda întârziat a aparut alta dată de livrare ,apoi am prins sarbatorile a aparut alta dată. Am primit-o dupa 5 zile daca scad sarbatorile.Produsul relativ ok,dar fara instrucțiuni.
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Rafael Neumann
With the thicker face padding, the Oculus/Meta Quest 2 VR glasses are more comfortable to wear and thanks to the nose piece, no more light comes through.
And although I don't play VR games that make you sweat, I can imagine that the overlay with the air openings is better than the original overlay from the Oculus/Meta Quest 2, which has no air openings.
Mit die dickere Gesichtspolster ist die Oculus/Meta Quest 2 VR Brille angenehmer zu tragen und Dank des Nasenstück, kommt auch endlich kein Licht mehr durch.
Und ich spiele zwar keine VR Spiele wo man ins Schwitzen kommt, aber ich kann mir vorstellen, das der Overlay mit die Luftöffnungen besser ist als der original Overlay von der Oculus/Meta Quest 2, der keine Luftöffnungen hat.
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The nose pads and the frame is quite good. My only issue, the soft pads do not stick on the plastic frame, making them a hussle to wear.
The nose pads and the frame is quite good. My only issue, the soft pads do not stick on the plastic frame, making them a hussle to wear.
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Radosław Kutowińsk...
Radosław Kutowiński
A very useful set of overlays. This set of overlays turned out to be the most comfortable, I recommend it
Bardzo przydatny zestaw nakładek. Ten zestaw nakładek okazał się najwygodniejszy, polecam
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Jaakko Huusko
Quest 2. Good quality and working well
Quest 2. Good quality and working well
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Paul A. R.
When I placed the order, it appeared once, then the seller sent the order late, another delivery date appeared, then I caught the holidays, another date appeared. I received it after 5 days if the holidays are not included. The product is relatively ok, but without instructions.
Cand am pus comanda a aparut o dată, apoi seller-ul a trimis comanda întârziat a aparut alta dată de livrare ,apoi am prins sarbatorile a aparut alta dată. Am primit-o dupa 5 zile daca scad sarbatorile.Produsul relativ ok,dar fara instrucțiuni.
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Wojciech Smoliński
Cool!. Useful and easy-to-use additions to Quest 2. I recommend it
Super!. Przydatne a zarówno wygodne do użytkowania dodatki do quest 2. Polecam
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Jacek Kłosiński
when purchasing. The overlays should be included when purchasing the equipment
przy zakupie. Nakładki powinny być w komplecie przy zakupie sprzętu
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Kyaw Min Hlaing
Perfect. Perfect for quests 2 and battery is very Nice to install , just magnet and good Connect .
Perfect. Perfect for quests 2 and battery is very Nice to install , just magnet and good Connect .
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Karol Błaszczak
I regret not buying sooner. The convenience of using these accessories is incomparably higher than the basic set. The quality of the band shortening mechanism leaves something to be desired, but if it breaks, I will most likely buy it again.
żałuję, że nie kupiłem wcześniej. Wygoda korzystania z tych akcesoriów jest nieporównanie wyższa od podstawowego zestawu. Jakość wykonania mechanizmu skracania opaski pozostawia nieco do życzenia, ale jeśli mi się zepsuje, najprawdopodobniej kupię po raz kolejny.
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Harald J
Works fine yes. As Sondre says in the review before me: The pillow is a bit hard but is better than what originally came with it.
Fungerer fint ja. Som Sondre sier i anmeldelsen før meg: Putenen er litt harde men er bedre enn det som originalt følger med.
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Sondre Nagell
Good product at a good price. I think the product is very good, but the cushions seem somewhat hard and difficult to adjust to distribute the pressure compared to Oculus' own cushions, so often end up with too much pressure on the forehead or from the strap on the back of the head to keep the glasses in place, uncomfortable with longer use unfortunately. However, strongly recommend the face cover with ventilation for tiring sessions and the nose protection that prevents light from entering.
Bra produkt til bra pris. Synes produktet er svært bra, men putene virker noe harde og vanskelig å justere til for å fordele presset sett opp mot Oculus sine egne puter, så ender ofte med for mye press i pannen eller fra stroppen i bakhodet for å holde brillene på plass, ukomfortabelt ved lenger bruk desverre. Anbefaler dog sterkt ansiktsdekselet med ventilasjon for slitsomme økter og nesebeskyttelsen som hindrer lys i å slippe inn.
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Michael Allan Maca...
Michael Allan Macalindong
6 in 1 set face for Oculus Quest 2. purchase is smoth and fast. seller is highly recommend. More power👍🏻 5stars👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
6 in 1 set face for Oculus Quest 2. purchase is smoth and fast. seller is highly recommend. More power👍🏻 5stars👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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Lasse Johansen
Excellent combo for a good price.. Have tested all the parts in the package. Both face pillows are soft and good. A little thicker if you use glasses. (doesn't wear glasses daily but has tested with computer glasses) Works great with glasses on. silicone cover for the nose in the glasses blocks out almost all light. All in all top notch and the glasses were much better to wear with this set fitted.
Ypperlig kombo for en god pris.. Har fått testet alle delene i pakken. Begge ansiktsputer er myke og gode. En litt tykkere ifm bruk av briller. (bruker ikke briller daglig men har testet med data briller) Fungerer ypperlig med briller på. silikon cover til nese i brillene stenger stort sett alt lys ute. Alt i alt tipp topp og brillene ble mye bedre å ha på med dette settet montert.
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Tomasz Pankau
perfect products. Overlays are useful to avoid scratching the lenses.
doskonaly produky. Nakladki sa przydatne zeby nie zarysowac soczewek.
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Customer rating of the product: Good: Excellent